Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pyramid Yoga

In the middle (slightly southwest, actually) of the Gulf of Thailand is an island called Koh Phangan. On Koh Phangan is a little beach called Haad Salad and directly up and up and up and up the hill is a jungle looking out over the west. In the middle of this jungle is a giant pyramid with a grass roof and hardwood floors surrounded by the largest bright blue mosquito net ever seen. Within that pyramid, I am learning the Science of Yoga. We are studying everything yoga related, i.e. chanting, singing, breathing, meditation, the chakras, electromagnetic energy and the law of physics, physiology, psychology, anatomy, spirituality, doing good deeds, studying yogic texts and of course doing the asanas (108 physical postures). There are people from all over the world and of all ages studying here (22 women and 3 men) for various reasons. All of them are special in their own right - unique - curious - well travelled - and sophisticated. I have a lovely little bungalow detached from the Pyramid property and am just beginning to get grounded now that we are in our second week.
There is much much much much much to say. I don't really know where to begin. I miss Rusty and Janet's classes very much. I was initially frustrated at the slow pace in which we did our asana practice. We spent the first two days learning how to breathe and doing an entire class learning only five very basic poses like tadasana (mountain pose). I cursed myself for not downloading Rusty's cd so that I could have a good ole' vinyasa class on my lovely balcony. I missed singing with Rusty and Janet and took to singing all the time around the property and silently when in class. I felt restless to get a motorbike and explore the island rather than read my books and write in my journal. During meditation, I would think five thousand thoughts and curse myself for not stopping. hit we were doing asanas today, David (one of two teachers) said 'just let the flow of your breath move you in and out of the pose.' Although Rusty often said to move with the breath, I was often so busy keeping up with the incredible yogins around me that I forgot to breathe. Slowing down in yoga was actually the best thing I could've done for my practice. I did actually feel the breath. I can hear myself breathing now, as opposed to feeling like one day I'd catch up and breathe. Although their chants and songs are also slower than Rusty and Janet's, I am grateful for what has come to me and the ability to have voice training, yes! voice training, in order to sing these songs. I still sing their songs all the time and Marina (the other teacher) has asked me to sing on her dictaphone so they can broaden their repertoire. So there are Rusty and Janet's songs all the way over in Thailand! Today in mediation, I actually plunged into a ripple of calm and felt it's vibrations tickle around me like a feather - it was so calm. I've had people tell me very funny things about myself like: "I wish I was as flexible as you - you're forward bend looks so joyful!" and "you seem pretty cool," i.e. not pitha (but I am a pitha - which means fire energy in ayuverdic properties, I think) and "how are you so laid back, is that b/c you're from California?" One yoga teacher even pulled me up in front of class to show everybody what hyperextension looks like and how I automatically compensate, i.e. make adjustments to ensure that I don't hurt myself in postures - thank YOU Rusty and Janet for teaching me how to do this - I wasn't even aware that I was so flexible or hyperextended - I just learned from you how to do it correctly for me! My point is this: I'm pretty relaxed here. This yoga stuff is really helping. People see me as a way I've always wanted to feel and it's pretty mindblowing. My forward fold, i.e. forward journey IS indeed joyous! Here, we learn everything about yoga - not just exercise.
Although there are some challenges, too. We are starting with the first chakra and looking at the root principles. We've been charged with some challenging questions and I've seen very clearly that I have been living in a pattern that is fast, rapid, successful and very loving but busy. It's really nice to just relax and feel into my breath, feel into movement, feel into my emotions, feel into life, feel into nature and just feel into my connection with the universe on a physiological level. I never realized that electromagnetic physics could be so fascinating! Albert Einstein himself was a yogi. He said that imagination is more powerful than knowledge. If this is imagination and I have all the knowledge of a great education, an incredible community, a loving family and a wealth of travels and adventures, I can only imagine the possibilities as I feel into things, break down internal barriers and allow myself to creatively flow with my imagination. The first chakra is about survival as well as creativity. It is the building block for all. Mine has been too busy to truly explore this realm. Now is the time. I expect great, beautiful, super colorful things to come out of this. I am glad I am here.
I do miss you all - please write. BTW, I don't have my cell phone so no text messages to the old number. Just e-mail (on this blog or Much love to you, diving beings!

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